Cristina Segura began her musical education in Barcelona graduating with honours from the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu with Maria Dolors Aldea. She studied two master’s degrees at the Haute École de Musique de Genève (Switzerland) with the renowned contralto and conductor Nathalie Stutzmann.
She was also selected to participate in the International Udo Reinemann Lied Master Classes 2012-2013 at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, with Hartmut Höll, Mitsuko Shirai, Ann Murray, Peter Schreier, Michel Tranchant, Joseph Breinl and Jaroslav Mrazek. She has received masterclasses from Christa Ludwig, Helmut Deutsch, Wolfram Rieger, Kurt Widmer, Dalton Baldwin, Anne Le Bozec, David Selig, Adrian Thompson, Iain Burnside, Ana Luisa Chova, among others.
She was awarded the third prize at the 20th Singing Competition Josep Mirabent i Magrans, as well as at the International Music Competition de les Corts in Barcelona and the Lied prize of Juventudes Musicales by Wolfram Rieger. She was chosen Joung Talent in the Lied festival LifeVictoria Barcelona 2014, and she sung in the festival’s inaguration and closing with Adrian Thompson, tenor and Iain Burnside, piano.
She made her Barcelona opera debut in the role of Hexe in Humperdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel. She has also sung the role of Zita in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi as well as the title role in Menotti’s opera The Medium. She sang the role of Madrigalist soloist in Durón’s El imposible mayor en amor, le vence amor in Teatro de la Zarzuela (Madrid) with the Capella Mediterranea under Leonardo García Alarcon and stage direction of Gustavo Tambascio; the role of Page in Jacinto Valledo’s La cantada vida y muerte del general Malbrú in the Festival de teatro clásico de Almagro 2015 (Spain) in the Teatro de la Zarzuela, under stage director César Diéguez. She sang the role of Carmen in Bizet's Carmen (2022) and Suzuki in Madame Butterfly by G. Puccini (2023) at the Palau de la Música Catalana.
At the Théâtre Opéra de Lausanne: the role of Smeton in Donizetti’s Anna Bolena (conducted by Roberto Rizzi); the role of Alisa in Donizetti’s Lucia de Lammermoor (conducted by Jesús López Cobos); the role of Teresa in Bellini’s La sonnambula (conducted by Giampaolo Bisanti); the role of L’Autruche in the world premiere of the opera Les Zoocrates of T. Besançon; the role of Pepa in La belle de Cadix by Francis Lopez with the l’Opéra de Lausanne in the Lyric Route 2016 (21 performances in France and Switzerland), under Jacques Blanc and stage director Patrick Lapp. At the Toûno Festival (Switzerland): the roles La Maman, La Tasse chinoise and La Libellule in L’enfant et les sortilèges by Maurice Ravel.
In the field of oratorio, she has featured as a soloist in Bach's Cantata nº 34 and Zbinden's Terra Dei with the Orchestre de chambre de Lausanne; in Händel's Messiah with the Vespres d'Anardí Orchestra conducted by Manel Valdivieso, in Beethoven's Symphony no. 9 with the Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès conducted by David Niemann at the Palau de la Música Catalana; in Bach’s Mass in F and Mozart’s Vesperae solemnes de confessore with the Ciudad de Granada Orchestra at the Auditorio Manuel de Falla under Salvador Mas; in Bach’s Magnificat, Mass in B minor, Cantata BWV 173, Cantata nº 184, Cantata nº9 and Cantata BWV 78; Schubert’s Magnificat; Haydn’s The Seven Last Words of Christ; and Garcia’s Mass and Requiem; in Bach’s cantata nº9 in Festival Bachcelona14 and in XXVIII Festival Internacional de arte sacro de Madrid with Galimatias Ensemble.
She has also offered numerous concerts in Belgium, Switzerland, Slovenia, France and Spain; particularly Lied-recitals and concerts with ensembles, including vocal works such as Kindertotenlieder by Mahler, Spanische Liebeslieder op.138 and Spanisches Liederspiel op.74 by R. Schumann; Les nuits d’été by Hector Berlioz, Berio’s Folk songs; among others. Especially worth mentioning are Schubert’s Ständchen for mezzo soloist and choir at the Palau de la Música Catalana and the Petit Palau; Mahler's Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen in Festival Velenje in Eslovènia, Mahler’s orchestral Lieder with the Grup Liceu XXI; Mahler’s Urlicht and Falla’s Psiché with the Murtra Ensemble; Ravel’s Chansons Madécasses and Debussy’s Chansons de Bilitis with the Conjunt XXI. She recently sang in two festivals in Slovenia, the Music Festival Bohinj and the ZavodperArtem; a recital for voice, cello and piano in the Fundación Juan March in Madrid; a concert Tribute to father Ireneu Segarra at the Palau de la Música Catalana (Spain); a tour with the concert "Carmen" with Juventudes musicales, Josep Surinyac, piano and a concert at the Schubertíada Vilabertran with the Camerata432 soloists. She has collaborated in charity recitals with the association Accords solidaires (Paris) as well as the Fondation Prim’enfance (Geneva).
She has recorded for the television channels ARTE TV, TV3, RNE; for Classical Radio, Catalunya Música, along with a CD with music by Anna Bofill with the Barcelona Modern Project conducted by Marc Moncusí. She recently has recorded the role of Gaziel in Granados Gaziel with Orquestra de Cadaqués (conducted by Jaime Martín).
Voice Teacher and Head of Vocal department in the Liceu Conservatory Centre Professional (Barcelona) since 2018, Language Diction for singers Teacher in the Liceu Conservatory Superior and Associate Professor in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
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TRADITORE- Cristina Segura & Ensemble Exclamatio. Vivadi, Händel arias. FEMAP. Altron. Iglesia de Sant Serní
Thursday, August 01, 2019
ES: "Cristina Segura se ha formado en Ginebra con Nathalie Stutzmann y la huella de tal maestra se nota en la redondez y el color sombreado del timbre de su voz. Un timbre que engancha desde las primera notas por sus tornasolados perfiles, su velluto inconfundible y la anchura y presencia de su registro central y grave. Emisión poderosa y articulación clara puestas al servicio de una más que notable capacidad expresiva basada en la búsqueda de los acentos clave para transmitir la amplia gama de afectos desplegada por Vivaldi y Haendel en sus arias. A las agilidades en las arias di furore se sumaba la poética línea cantabile en las escenas más lastimeras, como en Vedrò con mio diletto del Giustino del cura pelirrojo. Un recital de altísima nota global." Andrés Moreno MENGÍBAR

Anna Bolena. Donizetti. Opéra de Lausanne
Tuesday, February 05, 2019
FR: " Le personnage du page Smeton bénéficie aussi d'une cavatine remarquable, Un bacio ancora, qui met en valeur, chez le mezzo Cristina Segura, le soin de l'émission et l'aisance de la ligne dans l'interprétation de sentiments puissants." FRANÇOIS CAVAILLÈS
ES: "El personaje del page Smeton también se beneficia de una notable cavatina, Un bacio ancora, que supo poner en valor, la mezzo Cristina Segura, con una emisión cuidada y con la facilidad de la línea en la interpretación de sentimientos poderosos. " FRANÇOIS CAVAILLÈS

Anna Bolena. Donizetti. Opéra de Lausanne
Saturday, February 02, 2019
FR: "Emouvantes, les prestations de Cristina Segura, suggérant bravement l’inconsciente maladresse du page Smeton," Paul-André DEMIERRE.
ES: "Emocionantes, las intervenciones de Cristina Segura, sugiriendo valientemente la torpeza inconsciente del page de Smeton," Paul-André DEMIERRE.

Lucia di Lammermoor. Donizetti. Opéra de Lausanne
Das Opernglas
Thursday, September 28, 2017
EN: "Among all of them, it’s the mezzo soprano Cristina Segura who impresses the most as Alisa with her vocal presence." / ES: "Entre todos, es la mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura quien impresionó como Alisa con su presencia sonora."

Lucia di Lammermoor. Donizetti. Opéra de Lausanne
Opera Actual
Friday, September 29, 2017
EN: "Cristina Segura (Alisa) was a true luxury and left a taste of wanting to listen to her in a role of greater commitment and duration." / ES: "Cristina Segura (Alisa) fue un verdadero lujo y dejó sabor a querer escucharla en un rol de mayor compromiso y duración."

Lucia di Lammermoor. Donizetti. Opéra de Lausanne
Thursday, October 05, 2017
EN: "We will keep in mind the name of Cristina Segura for her beautiful vocal and scenic interpretation as the character of Alisa, Lucia’s confidante." / ES: "A retener el nombre de Cristina Segura por su bella presencia vocal y escénica en el rol de Alisa, la confidente de Lucia."

Lucia di Lammermoor. Donizetti. Opéra de Lausanne
Wednesday, October 04, 2017
EN: "It’s worth noting the beautiful and powerful vocal presence of the mezzo Cristina Segura (Alisa) for which this role, fits perfectly in the opera. Bravo!" / ES: "Hay que señalar, la bella y importante presencia vocal de la mezzo Cristina Segura (Alisa) para quien este rol, participa en la ópera entera. Bravo!"

"Granados, el nostre". Auditori Enric Granados de Lleida/ Petit Palau
núvol, el digital de cultura
Saturday, December 02, 2017
EN: "Here Gaziel, the feminine genius that assaults the poet was a Cristina Segura of splendid scenic display and good vocal performance." / ES: "Aquí Gaziel, el genio femenino que asalta al poeta fue una Cristina Segura de espléndido despliegue escénico y buena prestación vocal."

La Sonnambula. Bellini. Opéra de Lausanne
Thursday, February 08, 2018
EN: "Concerning the young catalan soprano Cristina Segura, she was able to give the role of Teresa charming accents." / ES: "Por su parte, la joven soprano catalana Cristina Segura hace de Teresa un personaje con acentos encantadores."
EN: "To the ungrateful character of Teresa, Amina’s mother, Cristina Segura gives a warm timbre to which she tastefully adds tragic inflections." / ES: "En el papel sacrificado de Teresa, la madre de Amina, Cristina Segura presta un timbre cálido capaz de adornar con inflexiones trágicas."
PAUL-ANDRÉ DEMIERRE. Crescendo Magazine
EN: "The mezzo soprano Cristina Segura (Teresa) is very convincing in spite of a thankless role." / ES: "Por su parte, la mezzosoprano Cristina Segura (Teresa) convence a pesar del rol ingrato."
+INFO (fr)

Nightingale in the Moonlight, Water and Gardens of Spain. Concert in Slovenia
Slovenian music magazine SIGIC
Sunday, August 21, 2016
EN: "The mezzosoprano, with her magnificent voice, wide range, remarkable colours and dynamic intensity, completely convinced the public. Her almost actor-like interpretation and appropriate, expressive stage presence contributed to this as well."
"The audience was extremely focused and showed an interest and enthusiasm followed by great applause, the likes of which is not usually heard in out environment."

La Route lyrique en scène 2016. La Belle de Cadix. Opéra de Lausanne
Le courrier
Monday, June 13, 2016
EN: F"or this, it is necessary to recognize the charming staging of the clown numbers between Lapp and Gnasso (...), and the fiery Pepa (the excellent mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura)." / ES: "Para ello hay que reconocer, con una puesta en escena llena de encanto, los números de clown entre Lapp y Gnasso (...), y la fogosa Pepa (la excelente mezzosoprano Cristina Segura)."
Marie-Alix Pleines

Life Victoria 2014
Lied Festival Victoria de los Ángeles
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
…Der Doppelgänger as well as Atlas, which put an end to the first half, having been preceded by the debut of the mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura, one of the talents discovered through the Victoria de los Ángeles Foundation scholarships. She delighted the audience with heartfelt interpretations of a piece by Mahler (Ablösung im Sommer), two Schubert songs (Auf der Donau and Die junge Nonne) and two by Massenet (Elegia and Nuit d'Espagne), excelling especially with the latter two, with the accompaniment of the devoted and intelligent Nejc Lavrenčič. Segura has a true mezzo timbre and a great expressive power, which point towards a promising future.
MERCEDES CONDE PONS. Revista Musical Catalana
As the opening act, two young musicians broke the ice: mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura, a beautifully colored, well-manager voice, and pianist Nejc Lavrencic, who carefully balanced dynamics to adjust to the dry acoustics.
Cristina Segura began the concert along with the pianist Nejc Lavrenčič, reflecting the festival’s commitment and support to younger generations. The young mezzo displayed a beautiful, clean and controlled timbre, security and charisma.
Opera Minora
It was a wise move to begin the second edition of Life Victoria with Roman Trekel and Ulrich Eisenlhor, after the brief and stimulating appearance of the mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura and pianist Nejic Lavrencic.

“The girls’ choir of the Orfeó Català captured the most poetic Romanticism” Palau de la Música Catalana.
Revista Musical Catalana
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
"Of course, the serenata by Schubert, in which the mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura sang brilliantly as the soloist (...) As an encore after the concert, the repetition of Schubert's serenata allowed us to hear again (... ) the clear voice and wonderful projection of Cristina Segura."
Lluís Trullén

“The mastery of a great director”. Missa Brevis, Bach/ Vesperae confessore, Mozart. Salvador Mas, conductor. Ciudad de Granada orchestra and choir. Auditorio Manuel de Falla.
Granada Hoy
Saturday, February 11, 2012
"On the other hand, the contralto Cristina Segura demonstrated the beauty of her timbre, of great clarity of emission and beautiful harmonics, in the vers Quoniam, accompanied by the agile and precise discourse of a string trio consisting of Yorrick Troman, Kathleen Balfe and Frano Kakarigi; together they gifted us with one of the most intimate and moving moments of the night. "
Gonzalo Roldán Herencia

"The nap of the faun. Residents 2012-2013" Madécasses Ravel/ Bilitis Debussy. Conjunt XXI. Ateneu Barcelonès.
Nube el digital de la cultura
Saturday, February 11, 2012
"The mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura’s homogeneous timbre shone beautifully, and her clear diction allowed us to follow the texts of Pierre Louÿs, which spoke of the discovery of love, its fullness and the proximity of old age. The songs are characterized by their tempi, so slow, and their elegance; both the pianist and the singer offered an appreciable version of a work only simple in appearance.
Next came Ravel's only work on the program, the Chansons Madécasses, for voice accompanied by flute, cello and piano. Cristina Segura stood out especially in the first of three songs, Nahandove. "
Silvia Pujalte

"Homenaje a Menotti".La Medium. Menotti. Liceo in the Universidad de Barcelona.
La Vanguardia
Friday, July 01, 2011
This rough and powerful work requires a first class singer for the role of the alleged medium, and those responsible for the staging found one in the excellent mezzosoprano Cristina Segura, who overcame all the vocal obstacles of the role, including a convincing performance and a mixture of cruelty and superstition, achieving an excellent result.
Roger Alier

CD with music by Anna Bofill with the Barcelona Modern Project conducted by Marc Moncusí.
Cristina Segura, mezzo
Live recording
La Pedrera, Barcelona. (19 April 2010)
Solfa Recordings

CD with music by Enric Granados with Orquestra de Cadaqués conducted by Jaime Martín.
Cristina Segura, Gaziel
Live recording
Auditori de Barcelona (2017)